
Zero is a general-purpose library for PyTorch users. Zero:

  • simplifies training loop, models evaluation, models application and other typical Deep Learning tasks

  • provides a collection of “building blocks” and leaves code organization to you

  • can be used on its own or together with PyTorch frameworks such as Ignite, Lightning, Catalyst and others

NOT READY FOR PRODUCTION USAGE. Zero is tested, but not battle-tested. You can give it a try in non-mission-critical research.



If you plan to use the GPU version of PyTorch, install it before installing Zero (otherwise, the CPU version will be installed together with Zero).

$ pip install libzero


  • Python >= 3.6

  • NumPy >= 1.17

  • PyTorch >= 1.4 (CPU or CUDA >= 10.1)

  • pynvml >= 8.0

  • tqdm >= 4.0

How to contribute

If your contribution includes pull requests, see

Why “Zero”?

Zero aims to be zero-overhead in terms of mental overhead: solutions, provided by Zero, try to be as minimal, intuitive and easy to learn, as possible. Well, all these things can be pretty subjective, so don’t take it too seriously :wink:

Indices and Tables