Learn ===== How to install Zero? -------------------- For installation instructions, see :ref:`Installation `. What is Reference? ------------------ Reference (see the sidebar) is the main source of knowledge about the library. It contains everything you may need to understand how to use specific tools: API specification, tutorials and usage examples. How to learn Zero? ------------------ If you just want to "browse" the library and see what it offers, then :ref:`this page ` is a good place to start (Zero, by design, is rather a "toolbox" than a "framework", so you can learn things and start using them in almost any order). However, if you want to quickly learn "the most important" things, then understanding of `this classification task `_ is enough. To achieve this, you need to walk through some specific parts of Reference paying attention to *explanations* and *examples*, without diving into API details. Here are the things to learn: .. autosummary:: zero.stream.Stream zero.training zero.data.concat zero.random.set_randomness zero.time.Timer zero.hardware Congratulations! You are ready to apply Zero in practice. You can also visit :ref:`this page ` and explore things that are not covered in the list above.