Source code for zero.time

"""Time management."""

__all__ = ['Timer', 'format_seconds']

import time
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union

[docs]class Timer: """Measures time. Measures time elapsed since the first call to `` up to "now" plus shift. The shift accumulates all pauses time and can be manually changed with the methods `~Timer.add` and `~Timer.sub`. If a timer is just created/reset, the shift is 0.0. Note: Measurements are performed via `time.perf_counter`. Examples: .. testcode:: timer = Timer() .. rubric:: Tutorial .. testcode:: import time assert Timer()() == 0.0 timer = Timer() # start time.sleep(0.01) assert timer() # some time has passed timer.pause() elapsed = timer() time.sleep(0.01) assert timer() == elapsed # time didn't change because the timer is on pause timer.add(1.0) assert timer() == elapsed + 1.0 # resume time.sleep(0.01) assert timer() > elapsed + 1.0 timer.reset() assert timer() == 0.0 with Timer() as timer: time.sleep(0.01) # timer is on pause and timer() returns the time elapsed within the context Note: When a Timer instance is pickled, the result of `Timer.__call__` is saved as shift (hence, the "time elapsed" is preserved) and all other attributes are omitted. """ # mypy cannot infer types from .reset(), so they must be given here _start_time: Optional[float] _pause_time: Optional[float] _shift: float def __init__(self) -> None: self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """Reset the timer. Resets the timer to the initial state. """ self._start_time = None self._pause_time = None self._shift = 0.0
[docs] def run(self) -> None: """Start/resume the timer. If the timer is on pause, the method resumes the timer. If the timer is runnning, the method does nothing (i.e. it does NOT overwrite the previous pause time). """ if self._start_time is None: self._start_time = time.perf_counter() elif self._pause_time is not None: self.sub(time.perf_counter() - self._pause_time) self._pause_time = None
[docs] def pause(self) -> None: """Pause the timer. If the timer is running, the method pauses the timer. If the timer is already on pause, the method does nothing. Raises: AssertionError: if the timer is just created or just reset. """ assert self._start_time is not None if self._pause_time is None: self._pause_time = time.perf_counter()
[docs] def add(self, delta: float) -> None: """Add non-negative delta to the shift. Args: delta Raises: AssertionError: if delta is negative Examples: .. testcode:: timer = Timer() assert timer() == 0.0 timer.add(1.0) assert timer() == 1.0 timer.add(2.0) assert timer() == 3.0 """ assert delta >= 0 self._shift += delta
[docs] def sub(self, delta: float) -> None: """Subtract non-negative delta from the shift. Args: delta Raises: AssertionError: if delta is negative Examples: .. testcode:: timer = Timer() assert timer() == 0.0 timer.sub(1.0) assert timer() == -1.0 timer.sub(2.0) assert timer() == -3.0 """ assert delta >= 0 self._shift -= delta
[docs] def __call__(self) -> float: """Get time elapsed since the start. If the timer is just created/reset, the shift is returned (can be negative!). Otherwise, :code:`now - start_time + shift` is returned. The shift includes total pause time (including the current pause, if the timer is on pause) and all manipulations by `~Timer.add` and `~Timer.sub`. Returns: Time elapsed. """ if self._start_time is None: return self._shift now = self._pause_time or time.perf_counter() return now - self._start_time + self._shift
[docs] def __enter__(self) -> 'Timer': """Measure time within a context. The method `` is called regardless of the current state. On exit, `Timer.pause` is called. See also: `Timer.__exit__` Example: ..testcode:: import time with Timer() as timer: time.sleep(0.01) elapsed = timer() assert elapsed > 0.01 time.sleep(0.01) assert timer() == elapsed # the timer is paused in __exit__ """ return self
[docs] def __exit__(self, *args) -> bool: # type: ignore """Leave the context and pause the timer. See `Timer.__enter__` for details and examples. See also: `Timer.__enter__` """ self.pause() return False
def __getstate__(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return {'_shift': self(), '_start_time': None, '_pause_time': None} def __setstate__(self, state: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: self.__dict__.update(state)
[docs]def format_seconds(seconds: Union[int, float], format_str: str = '%Hh %Mm %Ss') -> str: """Format numeric seconds in a human-readable string. Args: seconds: seconds to format format_str: the format string passed to `time.strftime` Returns: Filled :code:`format_str`. Examples: .. testcode:: assert format_seconds(3661) == '01h 01m 01s' """ return time.strftime(format_str, time.gmtime(seconds))