
How to install Zero?

For installation instructions, see Installation.

What is Reference?

Reference (see the sidebar) is the main source of knowledge about the library. It contains everything you may need to understand how to use specific tools: API specification, tutorials and usage examples.

How to learn Zero?

If you just want to “browse” the library and see what it offers, then this page is a good place to start (Zero, by design, is rather a “toolbox” than a “framework”, so you can learn things and start using them in almost any order).

However, if you want to quickly learn “the most important” things, then understanding of this classification task is enough. To achieve this, you need to walk through some specific parts of Reference paying attention to explanations and examples, without diving into API details. Here are the things to learn:


Smart wrapper for iterables.


Easier training process.


Concatenate items of the iterable along the first dimension.

zero.random.set_randomness(seed[, …])

Set seeds and settings in random, numpy and torch.


Measures time.


Tools related to devices, memory, etc.

Congratulations! You are ready to apply Zero in practice. You can also visit this page and explore things that are not covered in the list above.