"""Easier training process."""
__all__ = ['ProgressTracker', 'learn']
import enum
import math
import warnings
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, cast
import torch
T = TypeVar('T')
class _Status(enum.Enum):
NEUTRAL = enum.auto()
SUCCESS = enum.auto()
FAIL = enum.auto()
[docs]class ProgressTracker:
"""Tracks the best score, facilitates early stopping.
For `~ProgressTracker`, **the greater score is the better score**.
At any moment the tracker is in one of the following states:
- success: the last update changed the best score
- fail: last :code:`n > patience` updates are not better than the best score
- neutral: if neither success nor fail
patience: Allowed number of bad updates. For example, if patience is 2, then
2 bad updates is not a fail, but 3 bad updates is a fail. If `None`, then
the progress tracker never fails.
min_delta: minimal improvement over current best score to count it as success.
.. testcode::
progress = ProgressTracker(2)
progress = ProgressTracker(3, 0.1)
.. rubric:: Tutorial
.. testcode::
progress = ProgressTracker(2)
assert progress.success # the first update always updates the best score
assert progress.success
assert progress.best_score == 123
assert not progress.success and not progress.fail
assert not progress.success and not progress.fail
# patience is 2 and the best score is not updated for more than 2 steps
assert progress.fail
assert progress.best_score == 123 # fail doesn't affect the best score
assert progress.fail # still no improvements
assert not progress.fail and not progress.success
assert progress.best_score == 123
assert not progress.fail # just 1 bad update (the patience is 2)
assert not progress.fail and not progress.success
assert progress.best_score is None
def __init__(self, patience: Optional[int], min_delta: float = 0.0) -> None:
self._patience = patience
self._min_delta = float(min_delta)
self._best_score: Optional[float] = None
self._status = _Status.NEUTRAL
self._bad_counter = 0
def best_score(self) -> Optional[float]:
"""The best score so far.
If the tracker is just created/reset, return `None`.
return self._best_score
def success(self) -> bool:
"""Check if the tracker is in the 'success' state."""
return self._status == _Status.SUCCESS
def fail(self) -> bool:
"""Check if the tracker is in the 'fail' state."""
return self._status == _Status.FAIL
def _set_success(self, score: float) -> None:
self._best_score = score
self._status = _Status.SUCCESS
self._bad_counter = 0
[docs] def update(self, score: float) -> None:
"""Update the tracker's state.
score: the score to use for the update.
if self._best_score is None:
elif score > self._best_score + self._min_delta:
self._bad_counter += 1
self._status = (
if self._patience is not None and self._bad_counter > self._patience
else _Status.NEUTRAL
[docs] def forget_bad_updates(self) -> None:
"""Reset bad updates and status, but not the best score."""
self._bad_counter = 0
self._status = _Status.NEUTRAL
[docs] def reset(self) -> None:
"""Reset everything."""
self._best_score = None
[docs]def learn(
model: torch.nn.Module,
optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer, # type: ignore
loss_fn: Callable[..., torch.Tensor],
step: Callable[[T], Any],
batch: T,
star: bool = False,
) -> Tuple[float, Any]:
"""The "default" training step.
The function does the following:
#. Switches the model to the training mode, sets its gradients to zero.
#. Performs the call :code:`step(batch)` or :code:`step(*batch)`
#. The output from the previous step is passed to :code:`loss_fn`
#. `torch.Tensor.backward` is applied to the obtained loss tensor.
#. The optimization step is performed.
#. Returns the loss's value (float) and :code:`step`'s output
model: the model to train
optimizer: the optimizer for :code:`model`
loss_fn: the function that takes :code:`step`'s output as input and returns a
loss tensor
step: the function that takes :code:`batch` as input and produces input for
:code:`loss_fn`. Usually it is a function that applies the model to a batch
and returns the result alogn with ground truth (if available). See
examples below.
batch: input for :code:`step`
star: if True, then the output of :code:`step` is unpacked when passed to
:code:`loss_fn`, i.e. :code:`loss_fn(*step_output)` is performed instead of
(loss_value, step_output)
After the function returns:
- :code:`model`'s gradients (produced by backward) are **preserved**
- :code:`model`'s state (training or not) is **undefined**
If loss value is not finite (i.e. `math.isfinite` returns `False`), then
backward and optimization step **are not performed** (you can still do it after
the function returns, if needed). Additionally, `RuntimeWarning` is issued.
.. code-block::
model = ...
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=1e-3)
loss_fn = torch.nn.MSELoss()
def step(batch):
X, y = batch
return model(X), y
for batch in batches:
learn(model, optimizer, loss_fn, step, batch, True)
.. code-block::
model = ...
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=1e-3)
def step(batch):
X, y = batch
return {'y_pred': model(X), 'y': y}
loss_fn = lambda out: torch.nn.functional.mse_loss(out['y_pred'], out['y'])
for batch in batches:
learn(model, optimizer, loss_fn, step, batch)
out = step(batch)
loss = loss_fn(*out) if star else loss_fn(out)
loss_value = loss.item()
if math.isfinite(loss_value):
warnings.warn(f'loss value is not finite: {loss_value}', RuntimeWarning)
return cast(float, loss_value), out